The North Pacific Fishery Management Council's, Charter Halibut Management Committee was established to develop recommended management alternatives for the charter halibut fishery in Areas 2C and 3A. Requested changes to management measures are suggested by the Committee in October of each year, then evaluated by ADF&G staff to estimate their impact on charter halibut catch. The Committee recommends management measures to the Council in December of each year.In 2016 the Council expanded the role of the committee to include any items that affect the management of the charter halibut sector in Alaska. The Council expanded the membership of the committee to represent a greater diversity of charter halibut fishing communities in Areas 2C and 3A.
You can start checking the Charter Halibut Committee's webpage at the North Council each fall. That's when the early results of the season's data start coming in, and the Committee will solicit proposals from the public to craft regulations for next year.
The next meeting of the Charter Halibut Committee is on October 27th, 2020 and it will probably be held online.